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Freegal - Free Music Downloads
Download music for FREE from the Champaign County Library through Freegal. All music is free and you get to keep it forever - there are no due dates!
What is Freegal?
Freegal is a downloadable music service, like iTunes, available from your library. All you need is a valid library card and PIN. With access to the Sony Music Entertainment catalog, it offers hundreds of thousands of songs, more than 100 genres of music, and more than 50 record labels. No special software is needed to use the service, and there are no digital rights management restrictions.
What's my PIN?
If you have never set a unique PIN (Personal Identification Number) or you have forgotten it, please stop by the library with your library card to request a new PIN.
I am unable to log in when I enter my library card number and PIN. What should I do?
Be sure you have entered your entire library card number without the spaces. If you have done this and are still unable to log in, please ask for help from library staff.