Home Page

Urbana area newspapers from 1822 - 2020 are available online through this site. Search by name, keyword, etc. or browse through the paper from a particular day on the link below... http://champaigncounty.advantage-preservation.com/
The meeting room and the study rooms may be reserved up to 6 months in advance. Learn more about the spaces available and how you can reserve your own space online.
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Book and Material Donations

Due to space, the library is currently accepting book and audiovisual materials in good condition on a limited basis.

Materials will be added to our collection if they are needed and meet the criteria of the collection development policy.  Other materials will be sold by the Friends of the Library, given to other libraries, or discarded.  Once a gift is accepted by the library, it will not be returned to the donor.

Researching the History of Your House


The following is just a few tips when researching your house – Check out the book "Discovering the History of Your House" by Betsy J. Green for more in depth information!

Four most important sources of written information:

1. Deeds

2. Old phone books and city directories

3. Newspapers

4. Obituaries of former owners.

Take photos of your home (from all angles). You can use this when discussing your house with others (including former owners) or when looking through old pictures of the area.

Research Requests


We at the Champaign County Library are happy to assist you in your genealogy research. If you live out of town, or are unable to come in and use our genealogy collection yourself, we do offer some basic research services. Keep in mind that time and staff constraints prevent us from assisting in detailed or large projects.

Champaign County Contacts

Champaign County Courthouse
200 North Main St
Urbana , OH   43078

Probate Court   937-484-1028
Common Pleas Court   937-484-1000

Champaign County Health Department
1512 South US Hwy 68, Suite Q100
Urbana , OH   43078

Champaign County Recorder
1512 South US Hwy 68, Suite B200
Urbana , OH   43078

GAR Warsketch Book

GAR Warsketch scan of title page

The War Sketch Project was undertaken by Amy Perry and Gloria Malone of the Champaign County Library. The book is so large (12 X 17 X 3) and old that the pages were literally falling out of the book. The pages were handwritten and the ink has faded, so it was very difficult to read the pages in order to retype the information.



This Volume is designed to contain the record of the war services (1861-1865) of the living and deceased members of this post; the living to certify to the statement of their services, and the facts relating to the dead to be certified by the Post Historian.

The supplementary part of the Volume is for a continuance of the personal sketches as occasion may require in the opinion of the Post Historian, also for the preservation of the names, and record of other soldiers or sailors who enlisted from the immediate locality.